If you enjoyed French magician and illusionist Moulla’s opening performance at Wednesday’s General Session, scan the QR Code to get a copy of the “selfie” photo he took of you and all the other attendees.
If you enjoyed French magician and illusionist Moulla’s opening performance at Wednesday’s General Session, scan the QR Code to get a copy of the “selfie” photo he took of you and all the other attendees.
PayrollOrg celebrated 13 staff members for their tenure during today’s Closing General Session at the 42nd Annual Payroll Congress in Nashville, Tennessee. These employees have been valued members of PayrollOrg’s staff for at least 10 years and were given commemorations celebrating their longevity.
From September 2-6, PayrollOrg chapters, organizations, and individuals will come together to celebrate that joyful “We Just Got Paid” feeling as part of National Payroll Week® (NPW).
Sharon Tayfield remembers when it was just her and four others who made the trek to the United States for Payroll Congress.
Tiffany Woodward knew why she was coming to the Payroll Congress in Nashville but walking the bright blue Expo floor helped seal the experience.
PayrollOrg volunteers are the unsung heroes of payroll. PayrollOrg recognizes the hard work and dedication each of them gave to the organization over the last year.
Payroll could be involved in every step of Mergers & Acquisition, but that is rarely or ever the case.
Data drives everything, including payroll. The data that payroll is responsible for drives business results across the entire organization. Today, every payroll staff member is accountable for understanding and interpreting that data. Through payroll analytics you can strategically provide valuable...
Networking is one of the best parts of Payroll Congress.
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