The Deadline to File Your Chapter's 990 is Monday!

It is exciting that the APA’s Annual Congress is just around the corner. While many chapter leaders are busy preparing to attend the Chapter Exchange on Wednesday, May 17 - there is a more pressing...


Don't Scratch Your Head Over Mailing Lists

Is your chapter in need of new members, but unsure of where to start? Mailing lists are a useful tool for launching successful membership recruitment campaigns or alerting members in the area of a...


7 Things to Know When Attending Your First Annual Congress

Congratulations on making the decision to attend your first Annual Congress! You are about to embark on an adventure (hopefully a life changing one) that will deepen your appreciation of payroll,...


Topics: Congress Info

2017 Chapters' Choice Contest

The 2017 Chapters’ Choice Contest is underway! Grab your friends, colleagues, and family members and vote once per day on Facebook until Friday, May 5th for your favorite chapter from this year’s...


Show Off Your Rock Star Status at Congress

Are you getting pumped to rock ‘n’ roll at the Payrollpalooza Party during the 35th Annual Congress in Orlando, Florida? Show off your rock star status by dressing like your favorite musical idol or...


Topics: Costume Contest