No matter how many times I hear the phrase, “I really want to get certified,” I always get pumped up and eager to help that chapter member. While becoming certified or being an instructor to teach certification can be daunting, one of the most valuable roles a chapter can play is to offer members of the payroll community a CPP and/or FPC Study Group.
The task can seem very overwhelming as there is a lot of material to cover, as well as a lot of time involved. The following four steps can help make the process of starting a study group easier:
- Instructors-The first step to a successful study group is to ensure your chapter has a few certified payroll professionals to lead the group. Having multiple study instructors allows the group to not only gain valuable knowledge from multiple sources, but it also ensures instructors won’t get overwhelmed with a 10-12 week study group. Please see the Chapter Study Group Guide for samples of schedules and syllabuses.
- Date and Location-Step two is to consider what dates, times, and locations will work best for potential attendees. The day and time will truly depend on your instructor’s availability and the location in which you offer the group. I have seen chapters do weekday nights, weekday lunches, as well as weekend groups.
- Materials-The third step is to obtain study group materials, which may appear difficult at first. Luckily, that’s where APA can
help! Study groups with 10 or more registered attendees qualify for a free 2017 Payroll Source Online, knowledge assessment calculator (KAC), and other materials to help make study groups easier. Also, networking with other APA chapters that have hosted study groups is very important. We are all one big APA family and most are willing to share their materials. Most study groups will follow the Payroll Source or the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) for each exam so the learning flows from a buildup method.
- Cost- The last step is to decide if and how your chapter is going to charge for the study session. By having members obtain their certification, it not only provides them with a path of success, but it can also enhance your membership. Participants will then need to obtain RCHs, and the chapter can provide this to them, usually at a lower cost, compared to anywhere else, thus increasing membership. Once the schedule is set, submit the Study Group Registration form to Chapter Relations, and the RCH Request form to the Certification Department to provide credits to your instructors and attendees.
Whatever your chapter is planning for their next Study Group, rest assured that there are many seasoned study group instructors within APA chapters who will help you and your chapter begin the path to creating a successful study group.
Please feel free to reach out to me personally and I would be happy to assist in any way I can. Speaking from over 15 years of teaching the study groups, it is one of the most rewarding things I can do as a payroll professional - pay it forward!