Text for APA News

Curtis E. Tatum, Esq.

Recent Posts

IRS Sending Letters to Employers for Form 7200 Processing Delays

The IRS started sending letters to employers if there is a delay in processing their Form 7200 to claim advance payment of COVID-19 tax credits.


IRS Releases Revised Form 941 for COVID-19-Related Tax Relief

The IRS released a revised Form 941 and its instructions to be used beginning with the second quarter of 2020 (due July 31). The form has been updated to accommodate reporting of COVID-19-related...


APA Supports Nacha’s Proposals to Prevent Improper Use of ACH Reversals

Nacha has released a set of proposals intended to prevent the improper use of ACH reversals. APA’s Electronic Payments Committee reviewed the proposed changes to the rules and sent a letter to Nacha...


Both Congress Xstream and Virtual Congress Feature COVID-19 Sessions

Congress Xstream, June 2-5, and Virtual Congress, June 24-25, will provide attendees with the information they need to stay in compliance with new payroll requirements imposed in response to...


Federal Payroll Compliance Issues Featured at Congress Xstream

Congress Xstream, June 2-5, will provide attendees with the information they need to stay in compliance with new and existing federal payroll laws and regulations.


Social Security Trustees Project Wage Base for 2021

The Board of Trustees of the Social Security Trust Fund projects the social security wage base will be $141,900 for 2021. This would be an increase of $4,200 from the 2020 social security wage base...


APA Webinar to Explain Impact of COVID-19 on Payroll Compliance

On April 9, APA is offering a 90-minute webinar to explain the impact of COVID-19 on federal and state payroll compliance. The webinar will be available on demand beginning on April 23.


Economic Stimulus Legislation Includes Payroll Provisions

On March 27, President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act into law. The CARES Act contains many payroll provisions, including the delayed payment of...


Education Department Announces Relief for Student Loan Borrowers

The U.S. Department of Education halts wage garnishments for federal student loans in light of the COVID-19 national emergency.


Federal Agencies Announce Plans to Implement Emergency Paid Sick Leave

Treasury, IRS, and DOL announce plans to implement COVID-19-related paid sick leave for workers and tax credits for small and midsize businesses to recover the cost of providing the paid leave...
