May 11, 2022

Fulfill Compliance Obligations With Effective Backup Plans

It is late in the year-end process, and as your calendar year ends, a key component of your payroll system goes down. Whether it's a system malfunction or a ransomware attack, the gravity of a system failure means you, as a payroll professional, must pivot quickly to make people whole, despite the...

May 11, 2022

Mike Walsh Brings Futuristic Vision to 40th Annual Payroll Congress

Having a future vision for a company’s direction is a common trait among CEOs, entrepreneurs, and business leaders, but when it comes to a vision of what the future of business could be, there are few—if any—who can hold a candle to Mike Walsh.

May 11, 2022

2022 Education Grant Recipients Pay It Forward

Paying it forward while becoming even more highly skilled payroll professionals were the goals the two recipients of the APA’s 2022 Payroll Education Grant packages set for themselves when they applied earlier this year.

May 11, 2022

Post-Pandemic Impact on Modern-Day EOR

The last two years have seen several organizations moving to a remote working model, providing options for employees to work from anywhere across the globe—sometimes in different cities or countries—thereby creating a single global resource pool. Flexible work locations have become a new factor...

May 11, 2022

Sekou Andrews Brings His Poetic Voice to Payroll Congress

Inspirational, impactful, and innovative. These are just some of the words that have been used to describe Sekou Andrews and his uniquely creative speaking style known as Poetic Voice.

May 11, 2022

Congress 2022 Daily Poll #3

May 11, 2022

Daily Photo Contest #2

Today we celebrate our payroll volunteers! Take a picture of you smiling and showing off all of your ribbons and post it to social media with #paycon.

May 11, 2022

The Show Must Go On: Photo Slideshow #1

See photos from Tuesday at the APA's 40th Annual Payroll Congress.

May 11, 2022

Patricia Fripp Brings Out the Best in Payroll Leaders

Award-winning speaker, author, and executive speech coach Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE, was honored with the inaugural Partner of Excellence Award Tuesday night (May 10) at Payroll Congress for her more than three decades of transformational dedication and service to the payroll community, payroll...

May 11, 2022

Fritzsching, Meeske Named APA’s Payroll Woman, Man of the Year

An unwavering dedication to the payroll industry and a desire to help their fellow payroll professionals succeed are just two of the traits that perfectly describe Taunya Fritzsching, CPP, and Levi Meeske, CPP.

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