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By PayrollOrg Staff on Dec 10, 2019 10:10:33 AM

Plan Your 2020 Payroll Resolutions with Help From APA Experts

Join the American Payroll Association for our final #PayNews chat of the year on Thursday, December 12 at 3 p.m. EST. We’ll look back on payroll developments that happened in 2019 and discuss what you should be preparing for in the new year ahead.

The 30-minute chat will be hosted by Bill Dunn, CPP, APA’s Director of Government Relations, and Becky Harshberger, CPP, Vice President of Payroll Tax for Entertainment Partners. They will be discussing the following questions:

  1. What payroll-related development were you thankful for in 2019?

  2. What do you resolve to do to improve the payroll experience for the employees you pay?

  3. If your employer asked what it could do to make your experience in payroll better, what would you tell them?

  4. What would you like to see APA resolve to do for payroll professionals in 2020?

  5. If you had one payroll-related wish for 2020, what would it be?

  6. What helps people carry through on their professional resolutions?

  7. What was a resolution, either personal or professional, that you carried through in 2019?

Be a part of the online discussion by using our online portal Twchat or participate directly on Twitter by following along with #PayNews and including the hashtag in your tweets.

Cynthia Crise is Public Relations and Social Media Coordinator for the APA.