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By PayrollOrg Staff on Jul 27, 2020 9:00:00 AM

Learn COVID-19-Related Updates in APA’s Garnishments Forum

APA’s Garnishments Forum webinar series for 2020 will cover federal and state COVID-19-related updates and temporary requirements in addition to more typical – but often complex – compliance issues related to wage garnishments, including child support income withholding orders (IWOs), creditor garnishments, tax levies, student loan wage garnishments, and administrative wage orders. See the course outline.

New in the 2020 Course

Learn where and how to find the latest COVID-19-related updates and requirements for all types of wage garnishments, including mandated temporary suspensions of withholding under pre-existing garnishment orders. Discover which mandates have already expired and whether to resume withholding immediately or to wait for notice via mail before restarting withholding under an existing order.

By attending this webinar series, you will also learn:

  • How to implement multiple withholding and garnishment orders with ease, by understanding the priority of orders
  • How to withhold under multiple orders when withholding limits have been reached
  • When out-of-state creditor garnishment orders must be implemented and when they must not be implemented
  • Employer, employee, and creditor responsibilities, liabilities, and rights under federal and state laws and regulations
  • An employer’s liability for failure to withhold, including when a court or agency can require the employer to pay the entire amount owed

The four-part virtual course takes place live on August 4, 6, 11, and 13 from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. ET. Beginning on August 14, it will be available on demand. Register today.

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Mavanee Anderson, Esq., is an Editor of PayState Update and Payroll Information Resources for the APA.