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By PayrollOrg Staff on Nov 7, 2023 10:33:29 AM

Free PAYO eBook Has Your Payroll Answers

Need answers to your toughest payroll questions? PayrollOrg’s (PAYO) eBook, Top Payroll Questions and Answers for 2023, sponsored by Fintwist by Comdata, contains solutions to payroll questions that were raised in the past year.

Payroll is ever evolving and that means new problems need new solutions. Compiled from the input of experts from federal government agencies and fellow PAYO members, this edition covers topics such as the following:

  • Pay deductions (including child support and garnishments)
  • Wage-hour laws
  • Income tax withholding and reporting
  • Taxable and nontaxable compensation
  • Unemployment insurance
  • Recordkeeping
  • Earned wage access (EWA)

To access this free eBook, go to Payroll.org and click on the “Membership” tab at the top. Choose “Free eBooks” from the dropdown menu options list. Download PayrollOrg’s Top Payroll Questions and Answers for 2023 from the list of various eBooks.

This eBook is free to members and available for purchase to colleagues and nonmembers.