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By PayrollOrg Staff on Aug 28, 2019 9:00:00 AM

Deloitte Payroll Benchmarking Survey Can Improve Your Operations

Looking to improve your operations, but need quantifiable data to chart the course for real change? The Deloitte Payroll Benchmarking Survey can help, and participation is FREE. Deloitte, the APA and the Global Payroll Management Institute (GPMI) have collaborated on the most robust and comprehensive payroll benchmarking survey in the market.

The Deloitte Payroll Benchmarking Survey provides insights into your payroll operations, as well as the operations of your peer organizations, whether domestic or global, helping you to make actionable decisions that can improve:

  • Employee experience
  • Accuracy and efficiency
  • Enabling technologies
  • Transparency and flexibility

The survey is broken into three parts: demographic, innovation and benchmarking.  You can take one part, two parts or all three. 

  • Wondering what others are outsourcing or where payroll sits? Take the demographic section. Wondering if others are using robotic process automation, take the innovation section.
  • Wondering what the payroll cost is per employee served? Take the benchmarking section.
  • You can also choose to take it for a single country, region or globally. The survey was designed to be as flexible as possible while not sacrificing comprehension.

The future of the enterprise, the workforce, and how work gets done is changing quicker than most organizations can keep up, and the payroll function is not immune. As enabling technology advances in areas such as robotic process automation, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and social collaboration, it provides organizations with a unique opportunity to transform its operations, leveraging these next-generation technologies. Insight into other payroll functions can be extremely valuable in informing and guiding your own organization’s efforts.

Take the Survey and receive the results.