Kiko Martinez
May 16, 2018
Spangler to Create ‘Best Day Ever’ Moments During Science-Inspired Presentation

For Emmy award-winning television host and business leader Steve Spangler, the best way to keep an audience’s attention is to keep them engaged.
A self-proclaimed “science communicator,” Spangler will have things fizzing, popping, and exploding during his high-energy keynote luncheon presentation, “The Science of Engagement,” today at 11:30 a.m.
During his presentation, Spangler promises to create “Best Day Ever” moments while he explains how engagement levels are at their highest when people are eager to build connections and create their own experiences.
“When teams learn to engage at the highest level, customer satisfaction explodes and business grows,” Spangler said. “I’m looking forward to sharing the lessons I’ve learned from my experiences as a former classroom teacher and business owner as we strive to create ‘Best Day Ever’ moments for our customers, our family, and each other.”
As Spangler puts it: “The content is strong and the audience-focused interaction is hands-on, engaging, and extremely fun … but watch out for the flying potatoes.”
Attendees will also have a chance to meet Spangler during a Meet & Greet, scheduled for today in the Expo from 3:15 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. at Workday booth #413.
Visit SteveSpangler.com for more information.