Kiko Martinez
May 14, 2019
Parsons Takes Oath to Become New APA President

One of the first goals that Jodi L. Parsons, CPP, set 15 years ago has now come to fruition. Parsons is the new president of the American Payroll Association (APA).
Parsons took the oath of office during the Annual Business Meeting early Tuesday morning.
Parsons, the Director of Payroll for Major League Baseball’s Kansas City Royals told PAYTECH she wants to challenge herself to live up to the APA presidents who have come before. She wants the APA membership to know she will do anything it takes to strengthen the organization across the globe.
“One of the things I’ve always taken pride in as a leader is that I am not scared to jump into the trenches and get my hands dirty,” Parsons said. “I want to be actively involved in the direction of the organization.”
APA Executive Director Dan Maddux said he remembers the first time he met Parsons. In 2004, during the APA’s Annual Congress in Nashville, Tenn., she walked up to him, introduced herself, and told him someday she would become the president of the APA. Fifteen years later, she is.
“Jodi never needed permission to find the fun in the midst of learning,” Maddux said. “She’s always known how to be inclusive and inviting of her peers. When she attended Congress, she had all the qualities of a great audience member, engaged participant, active volunteer, and team leader. It’s no surprise she is now the APA’s president.”