Kiko Martinez
May 19, 2017
Keynote Speaker Shares Tips on Interacting With ‘Chronically Cranky People’

Have you ever thought to yourself sometime during the day, “What’s the matter with everyone around here!?” If you have, motivational and 35th Annual Congress Keynote Speaker Linda Larsen knows your pain.
During Friday’s Closing General Session, Larsen gave attendees an entertaining, fast-paced presentation, “Gripers, Complainers, and Whiners,” on how to effectively deal with people who can be somewhat challenging to work or live with, and took a closer look at conflict resolution.
“We would all benefit from being able to effectively handle difficulties as they arise, and from being able to create the kinds of positive, mutually-beneficial relationships that can actually minimize conflict and disagreements,” Larsen told Congress Today before the session.
Larsen refers to individuals who are challenging to get along with as “chronically cranky people.” It is important, she said, to communicate and resolve problems in a sincere way.
“These people can cause us to get distracted, lose focus, make mistakes, say things we regret, and sometimes do less than our best work,” Larsen said. “It wasn’t until I took an honest look at what behaviors I was engaging in that contributed to my problems that I was able to start fully enjoying my life by being much more productive and creating healthier, happier relationships.”
After her session, which was sponsored by the Canadian Payroll Association (CPA), Larsen was happy she was able to make a positive connection with Congress attendees in a relaxed and fun environment.
“We are all a bit 'gripey,' 'complainy,' and whiny from time to time,” she said. “We are all just doing the best we can, given our circumstances in life. We all just want to be valued, appreciated and respected. Sometimes we just go about it in a less-than-effective way.”