Kiko Martinez
May 18, 2017
Keynote Speaker Mel Robbins on Changing Behavior With ‘5-Second Rule’

During Thursday’s General Session, motivational Keynote Speaker Mel Robbins presented “The 5-Second Rule: Achieve Breakthrough Performance in Your Career and Life.” Robbins explained that “The 5-Second Rule” is a powerful metacognition technique that helps create immediate behavior change.
“It’s a cliché, but the only constant in life is change,” Robbins told Congress Today before her session, which was sponsored by Global Cash Card. “Every industry is changing. Consumer behavior is changing, and so is technology. It’s easy to talk about ‘what’ we need to change and ‘why’ we need to change it. What’s harder to understand is ‘how.’ How do you make yourself change?”
To defeat bad habits such as self-doubt and procrastination, she said, people have to first figure out a way to outsmart their own minds.
“By definition, change requires you to do things that are uncertain, risky, scary, or new,” she said. “Our brains are designed to keep us from doing any of those things. That’s why change is so hard. Your mind is designed to protect you from doing it. But if you wake up and shake up, your five-second decisions will change everything.”
Robbins said that when people have the ability to control their decisions, thoughts, and behavior, they have the power to make anything happen. She hopes attendees return home ready to seize more opportunities and find happiness.
“I hope they start applying the 5-Second Rule to push themselves to improve their lives and work,” she said. “I hope they use it to gain the freedom that comes with taking control of their decisions.”