Kiko Martinez
May 20, 2021
Global Payroll Industry Expert Explains How to Reach the Big Leagues

During the Congress Xstream General Session on Thursday, industry expert Max van der Klis-Busink, RPP, presented “A Global Payrollercoaster in the Big Leagues” to talk about how payroll professionals can up their game and join the elite in their industry.
Van der Klis-Busink started his presentation with a list of goals all payroll professionals should set if they want to work at the next level. Those goals are to “do more, know more, experience the right projects, and network better.”
The Global Payroll Solutions Manager at Shell BV explained how he was working on a hospital food assembly line when he realized he wanted more out of a career. Knowing that a four-year university was not for him, he searched for jobs with the potential for upward trajectory. That’s when he was offered his first payroll administration position.
“Not even knowing what a payroll administrator did … I knew I had to dress the part in my only oversized suit,” van der Klis-Busink said. “This is how I got started in payroll back in 2006.”
Now, he “lives payroll.” He realized that to be successful in payroll, one must be “employee-centric.”
“Payroll is much more than a process or a system,” he said. “It affects people’s lives. Payroll professionals are always willing to help.”
Today, van der Klis-Busink has committed to sharing his knowledge and experience with his colleagues across the entire global payroll profession.
“To be successful, I had to understand the business better,” he said. “With the desire to stay in the big leagues, I also had to upscale myself the best I could through GPMI education and best practices in global payroll.”
Van der Klis-Busink's talked about how he dropped out of school and told his parents he would figure out how to be successful on his own. He landed into global payroll without any experience. During his presentation, many attendees shared their own stories in the comments section about how they "fell" into the payroll industry.
"[I] stumbled in as a temp [and] have never looked back!" said Sarah Chasney, Director of Paryoll and HRIS at Pacific Bells, LLC.
Beth Stillings, CPP, Payroll Administrator at Palmer-Donavin, said that after 20 years in retail, she took a "giant leap" and applied for a payroll position with a manufacturing company.
"[I had] absolutely zero experience," Stillings said. "I have no idea why they hired me. Best decision I ever made, and I thank my manager all the time for taking a chance on me!"
Linda Obertin, CPP, Director of Global Shared Services at Wells Fargo Bank, enjoyed listening to Van der Klis-Busink talk about his global payroll career.
"Thank you, Max, for sharing your passion with us," she said. "You are a rock star!"
Noreen Tietyen, CPP, Payroll Manager at Badger Meter, Inc., added: "Very impressive, Max. Thanks for the motivation!"
Be sure to listen to Van der Klis-Busink discuss how he keeps his passion for payroll burning bright during EPISODE 9: "Stoking a Passion for Payroll" of the APA Podcast, PayTalk.