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PayState Update Highlights State and Local Payroll Compliance

Written by Lia Coniglio, Esq. | Jan 15, 2024 9:18:42 PM

2024 launches a new year of PayState Update, the only biweekly eNewsletter in the industry dedicated exclusively to state and local payroll compliance news and issues. This five-page newsletter is a subscription publication accessed through the PayrollOrg Bookshelf. It can be purchased as a standalone product or as part of Payroll Source Plus, Federal and State Payroll Compliance Resource, or State Book Combo online or print.

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Subscribers have been learning about state and local minimum wage rate changes, developments with earned wage access, including new state laws, regulations, and agency guidance, new state paid leave laws, and potential new local payroll taxes.

The first issue of PayState Update (Issue 1, Vol. 26) featured helpful charts detailing state annual reconciliation return deadlines and state disability and paid family leave rates for 2024. The issue also covered information on FUTA credit reduction states/territories, earned wage access guidance from Connecticut, and the latest updates to state and local tax rates in Indiana.


PayState Update contains in-depth articles and analyses, comparative charts, state-by-state information, a Q&A feature, and a Coming Soon feature on pending legislation. An Index, covering all topics covered for the year, is available, along with an archive for the previous year’s newsletters.

Receive a discount when you subscribe for two years or more. Subscribe to PayState Update today!

Lia Coniglio, Esq., is Managing Editor of PayState Update and Senior Manager of State Payroll Information Resources for PayrollOrg.