Text for APA News

Celebrate National Payroll Week and Win Prizes

National Payroll Week, September 7-11, celebrates America’s employees and the payroll professionals who pay them! As part of this exciting week, the APA has a number of ways get involved and win...


IRS Releases Guidance on Employee Social Security Tax Deferral

The IRS released guidance to implement the deferral of the employee share of social security tax on wages paid between September 1 and December 31, 2020.


Electronic, Multi-Way Communication for Child Support Vital for Payroll

APA recently learned the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) does not consider enhanced electronic communication between states and employers a high priority. In July, APA asked HHS to...


Failure to Deposit Penalty Notices for COVID-19 Credits

The IRS said a small number of employers that reduced their tax deposits in anticipation of claiming COVID-19-related credits may have inadvertently received an IRS penalty notice. These employers do...


APA Offers IRS Recommendations on FAQ Compliance Value

The APA Government Relations Task Force IRS Issues Subcommittee sent a request to the IRS to reconsider its position on the value of Frequently Asked Questions for purposes of compliance.


Get Insights Into Payroll Benchmarking With New Online Event


The APA continues to branch into virtual learning with the new free online event “Payroll Benchmarking Trends: An Online Forum.”


Compliance TV: IRS Releases Guidance on Form W-2 Reporting for Coronavirus-related Leave

In this August 2020 issue of Compliance TV: the IRS releases guidance on Form W-2 reporting for coronavirus-related leave; the President defers employee withholding taxes and provides student loan...


How to Show Team Payroll Appreciation from Afar During NPW 2020

National Payroll Week, September 7-11, is the perfect time to let Team Payroll know how much you appreciate the essential role they fill for businesses and employees. We may not be able to shower...


Federal Per Diem Rates Updated for Fiscal Year 2021

The General Services Administration issued its annual updated list of federal maximum per diem rates for travel to locations within the continental United States.


Filing Form 941-X for 2020 Second Quarter

The IRS has provided guidance on filing Form 941-X for the second quarter of 2020. The IRS plans to issue a revised Form 941-X in late September that will allow employers to correct COVID-19-related...
