What new laws and regulations are impacting payroll so far in 2019? Join the American Payroll Association for our upcoming #Paynews chat on Thursday, June 13 at 3:00 p.m. EDT for a preview of items that will be covered during the Payroll Tax Forum.
The hour-l ong online discussion will be hosted by Curt Tatum, Esq., Director of Federal Compliance for the APA, Becky Harshberger, CPP, Vice President of Payroll Tax for Entertainment Partners, and Levi Meeske, CPP, Tax Consultant for Voya Financial.
They’ll share their insight with you on the following questions:
Q1—What are the most common payroll tax issues a payroll department faces?
Q2—What are the major anticipated changes to the Form W-4 and will all employees be required to complete a new Form W-4?
Q3—How will the new federal W4 affect the states use of the federal W4?
Q4—Will the proposed changes to the ‘white collar’ salary exemption threshold become effective this time around, and if so, when do you think this will happen?
Q5—What should employers do to prepare for the ‘white collar’ changes?
Q6—Are there other regulatory or guidance changes payroll professionals need to worry about for the remainder of 2019?
Q7—What are “Employer Correction Notices” and what should you do if you get one?
Q8—What are the payroll tax ramifications of a person moving to another state and ‘working from home’ that you’re aware of?
Q9—What else should payroll do when an employee moves to a new state or location?
Q10—The Payroll Tax Forum discusses current court cases impacting payroll. Are there any pending or ongoing cases payroll needs to know about?
Don’t miss your opportunity to chat directly with payroll experts and your peers about the latest regulatory changes you need to know for successful and compliant processing. Be part of the conversation by joining our chatroom portal Twchat or participate through your Twitter account by following along with #Paynews and including the hashtag in your tweets.