PayrollOrg Staff
November 18, 2022
Speakers Announced to Present at 41st Annual Payroll Congress

The American Payroll Association (APA) has announced a new lineup of keynote speakers to education and inspire payroll pros at the 41st Annual Payroll Congress. Learn from these industry leaders and entertainers as they share their collective experiences and insight live at the Gaylord Rockies Resort and Convention Center in Denver, Colorado, May 16-19, 2023.
Sponsored by rapid!, Bill Stainton, CSP, CPAE, will help attendees re-imagine their innovative potential with his energetic and entertaining keynote program, "Connect the Dots: The Art and Science of Innovation." Stainton, a 29-time Emmy Award winner and Hall of Fame speaker, provokes attendees to rethink innovation and how it can transform their business and lives.
See Stainton's presentation during Opening General Session Tuesday, May 16, 2023.
Sponsored by ADP, keynote speaker Seth Mattison presents, "The Heart of Futuristic Leadership: Reimagining Influence in Times of Transformation." Mattison provides insights and surprising truths about where the world is moving next and explains the type of leadership skills needed most to meet the moment. Attendees will learn about the neuroscience of influence and discover why leaders must not only connect with the rational and logical parts of people’s brains, but also have the capacity to connect with their hearts to understand what drives human behavior.
See Mattison's presentation during General Session Wednesday, May 17, 2023.
Tami Evans, CSP, will teach attendees how to remain positive and professional in the workplace in her presentation, "Lighten Up and Lead: Leveraging Levity and Fun to Boost Engagement." Attendees will discover how to develop a positive culture of engagement that empowers employees to collaborate through challenges, create innovative solutions, and communicate confidently. Evans will also cover Connected Autonomy and, through the power of fun, show how to reach your personal and professional potential.
See Evans' presentation during Closing General Session Thursday, May 18, 2023.
Register for 2023 Payroll Congress today to reserve your space!