Yasmelin Flores
May 7, 2024
Registration Is Open for the 2024 Chapter Leadership Summit

Mark your calendars; the Chapter Leadership Summit (CLS) is back! Join chapter officers from across the country at MEET Las Vegas, November 7-8, for two days of networking and workshops that will revolutionize the way you lead your chapter. This free event is sponsored by Wisely® by ADP.
More than 120 chapter leaders attended CLS, last held in 2022, and learned about a variety of topics, including “Setting New Officers Up for Success,” “Benefits of Social Media for Chapters,” and “Chapter Marketing.” Through these insightful sessions and networking roundtables, attendees received a treasure trove of knowledge and discovered new friends.
“We learned firsthand about successful initiatives and best practices,” said Ryan Yannetta, CPP, Vice President of the Central Jersey Chapter. “These exchanges sparked fresh ideas and inspired us to adapt and refine our approach to attracting and retaining members. These discussions not only broadened our understanding but also empowered us with actionable knowledge to explore new avenues for chapter development.”
Networking with attendees and PayrollOrg staff members also proved to be invaluable for chapter leaders, enabling them to refine their strategies based on insights gained from other chapters, according to Yannetta.
“We have a great relationship with one of the sponsors that attended, which has helped us with both our chapter meetings and our statewide payroll conferences,” he said. “Through these collaborative efforts, our chapter leveraged collective expertise and support to navigate obstacles effectively and drive sustainable growth.”
So, what advice does Yannetta have for a chapter or chapter leaders who have never attended CLS?
Yannetta said prioritizing attendance for learning and networking with fellow chapter leaders, PAYO staff, and event sponsors will help set the stage for success.
“Prepare by setting clear goals and objectives you hope to achieve during the summit. Take advantage of workshops, discussions, and presentations to gain insights into best practices, innovative strategies, and solutions to common challenges faced by chapters,” he said. “Remember that CLS is not just a one-time event but a catalyst for ongoing improvement and success for your chapter.”
For information and to register, go to the CLS webpage of the PayrollOrg website. CLS information will also be added to the Chapter Leaders Blog (make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss vital chapter information).
Yasmelin Flores is Chapter Relations Manager for PayrollOrg.