PayrollOrg Congress Today

Pre-Congress Dials 'Payroll 411' for Interactive Presentation

Written by Apryl Motley | May 15, 2018 7:30:00 PM

Each year, technological advances in the payroll industry make professionals stay on their toes. From the rise of the contingent worker and the gig economy, to protecting sensitive data from new cyber threats, to keeping up with the impact global regulations are having on the United States, there’s always something new to learn on the payroll front.

During the Pre-Congress Luncheon presentation “Payroll 411: An Interactive Experience,” attendees were treated to an entertaining session with Sreeni Kutam, Interim Chief Human Resources Officer at ADP, LLC. Before the fun began, Kutam addressed the group.

“Shifting trends in payroll are making it even more complex,” Kutam said. “So much is changing; so much is at stake. As you consider these trends, you need to ask yourself some important questions: What do they mean? And how do I prepare? We want you to come away from the Annual Congress with proactive steps you can take to be ready for the future of work and pay.”

Host Bryan Chan also spoke to the more than 1,500 Pre-Congress Luncheon attendees as MC Hammer’s “You Can’t Touch This” played in the background, which set the tone for a very different luncheon experience than in years past.

“This week you’re here to learn and network, and we’re going to make it fun for you,” Chan said.

The mood for the remainder of the luncheon was one of anticipation as teams competed to win the 100 Amazon Echoes up for grabs by answering a series of 10 questions primarily based on results from a recent ADP survey.

“I loved this format,” said Annette Turner, CPP, Director, Employee Services, Winsupply Inc. “It was very engaging. Everyone was interested in what the host had to say.”

Additional reporting by Kiko Martinez