PayrollOrg Staff
May 18, 2023
PayrollOrg Employees Honored During 41st Payroll Congress

PayrollOrg celebrated four staff members for their tenure during Thursday’s Closing General Session at the 41st Annual Payroll Congress in Denver. These employees have been valued members of PayrollOrg’s staff for over 10 years and were given commemorations celebrating their careers.
“I'd like to recognize our staff for their service, which requires immense talent and dedication. Thank you for your loyalty and dedication to the organization," PayrollOrg Executive Director Dan Maddux said.
Maddux recognized staff member, Laura Lough, Esq., for completing 25 years of service. This staffer received a monetary award.
Staffers Ed Kowlaski and Kay Valentine were presented travel vouchers for completing 20 years of service with the organization.
Maddux also presented Lia Coniglio, Esq., with a crystal prism award celebrating 15 years of service.
Congratulations to our fellow staffers and thank you for your continued service!