PayrollOrg Staff
June 15, 2023
Payroll Man of the Year ‘Paying it Forward’; Chance for Free Congress Registration

Levi G. Meeske, CPP, was named the 2022 Payroll Man of the Year for his contributions to the payroll profession. He is an enthusiastic member who loves to share his experience with fellow members. If you know only one thing about Levi, it's probably his love for Payroll Congress.
"Payroll Congress is the opportunity to network, get payroll education, meet new friends, and get caught up with old ones," said Levi. "It is the people who make this event so worthwhile. One person cannot do it all, but one person can be the magnetic force to draw in others."
It is this experience that Levi hopes to provide to one payroll professional who has never attended Payroll Congress.
Levi will provide a Payroll Congress registration for a member he chooses based on a short essay response: What would it mean to you to attend Payroll Congress in 2024?*
Answers to the short essay question should be brief (no more than 500 words) and emailed to Levi at LevisLegacy@yahoo.com, by December 1, 2023. Levi will notify the winner on December 15, 2023. If the winner accepts, Levi will arrange for the registration. If the person declines, Levi will choose another winner.
"My first Payroll Congress ignited an awakening for me that the payroll community was much more than people processing paychecks," said Levi. "This is a group of dedicated individuals who make an impact in the lives of others, who have influenced governments by submitting recommendations and meeting with officials, and, ultimately, is a family who is there for each other. I want to give this opportunity to someone else who can start their own great legacy [#LevisLegacy]."
*The conference registration is provided solely by Levi G. Meeske, CPP, PayrollOrg is not affiliated with this giveaway. The recipient will be responsible for travel, lodging, and related expenses.