Bryan Kirk & Toni Gonzales
May 11, 2022
North Dakota Child Support Director Jim Fleming Honored as Government Partner

Jim Fleming, who serves as director of the North Dakota Department of Human Services’ Child Support Enforcement Division, was named APA’s 2022 Government Partner on May 11.
Fleming, who is also the President-Elect of the National Child Support Enforcement Association (NCSEA) and will be sworn in as its president on September 1. Fleming has served as President and Treasurer of the National Council of Child Support Directors (NCCSD) and as co-chair of NCSEA’s Policy and Government Relations Committee.
Throughout his career, Fleming has demonstrated indomitable leadership among child support professionals in his home state and on the national stage.
Since 2018, Fleming has been an invaluable ally to the payroll profession. He built a bridge for payroll professionals and the APA to work collaboratively with child support agencies throughout the United States to help resolve management issues. He also was instrumental in forming the NCCSD Employer Collaboration Workgroup.
He worked closely with the APA, state child support directors, and officials with the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) to craft legislation on lump-sum payments and supported the development of OCSE’s Communication Center that came online in 2021.
In 2021, Fleming not only distributed APA’s letter encouraging state agencies to implement the OCSE’s electronic National Medical Support Notice (e-NMSN) to child support directors nationwide, but also led an expanded workgroup and helped push through a standardized child support employment verification form that is now accepted nationwide.
Earlier this year, Fleming expanded the NCCSD’s workgroup to include a National Employer Database subcommittee to identify options for properly maintaining a nationwide child support database.