Deloitte Vendor BlogDeloitte, the APA, and the Global Payroll Management Institute (GPMI) have teamed up to provide one of the most robust and comprehensive payroll benchmarking surveys in the market. The Deloitte Payroll Benchmarking Survey 2019 launches in early June and will be open for eight weeks. Your participation is free and entitles you to a first look at the results of Deloitte’s analysis.

Gain Insights into Leading Practices

As a payroll professional, you know that payroll and workforce management teams are constantly challenged to work faster and more efficiently, all while juggling multiple projects, providing stellar service to employees, and producing payroll with 100% accuracy. That’s no small feat! Participation in this survey will help provide insights into how peer organizations—both domestically and globally—are handling payroll and workforce operations challenges.

Explore the Growing Role of Next-Gen Technology

Technology advances in areas such as robotic process automation (RPA), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and social collaboration provide organizations with many opportunities to transform operations. Via the survey results, survey participants can gain great insight into how technology solutions are being used in other payroll functions and operations.

Inform Your Payroll for the Future

Participating in this comprehensive survey can help you, as a payroll professional, guide your own organization to make actionable decisions to improve the employee experience, maintain compliance, increase accuracy, gain efficiency, and enable technology.

Learn More, Sign Up at Booth #720

We will have all the survey information you need, and will also be reviewing the survey in detail at our breakout session on Thursday, May 16, from 2:15 p.m.–3:45 p.m. in Room Promenade 104 A.

If you can’t stop by, you can find more information about the survey and sign up to participate on the APA News & Resources Deloitte Survey page. We look forward to seeing you!