Virtual Regional Advisor Meeting Schedule

Starting on April 21, the APA’s Regional Advisors will meet virtually with the chapter leaders in their regions to share chapter updates, discuss APA proposal ideas, and brainstorm solutions to...


Meet Region 4 Advisor: Kristine Willson, CPP

Kristine Willson, CPP, is the American Payroll Association’s Region 4 Advisor. She serves as the liaison between APA and local chapters in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas. Learn more about...


Save the Date for Your Region's Virtual Meeting

Beginning the week of November 2, the APA’s Board of Advisors will be meeting virtually with their regions to review important information, answer questions, and offer advice regarding chapter issues.


Regional Advisors Share Chapter Leader Strategies

On October 15, the APA’s Chapter Relations department hosted an online #APAChapters chat to give chapter leaders an opportunity to network remotely and discuss chapter leadership strategies. Regional...


Meet Region 3 Advisor: Susan Judah, CPP, SPHR

Susan Judah, CPP, SPHR, is the American Payroll Association’s Region 3 Advisor on the Board of Advisors. She serves as the liaison between APA and local chapters in California. Learn more about Susan...
