by Sheri Lewis, CPP on Jun 21, 2018 12:03:48 PM

Tips for Implementing a Chapter Newsletter


Chapter NewsCommunicating with chapter members is one of the most important and impactful means of maintaining their involvement. In today’s world of technology, most chapter officers find that the easiest resource available is email. However, emails can often be overlooked due to poor timing or inbox overload. Using a chapter newsletter provides an additional resource for getting important information to members.

Key things to keep in mind as you plan your chapter newsletter include:

When organizing a chapter newsletter, first consider whether it would benefit the membership to produce material monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually. If you are not certain, take a look at the meetings, charity events, and training offerings of your chapter and decide the best means of distributing that information. After determining the frequency for sending out the newsletter, take a moment to determine the due date for article submissions. The Dallas Chapter produces a monthly newsletter and has an article due date of one week prior to publication. This allows time for article collection, formatting, and proofreading.

It’s important to carefully consider what should be included in the newsletter. Content can vary from chapter to chapter and should reflect the needs and interests of its membership. I recommend including information about upcoming chapter meetings or educational events, and providing membership updates or highlights. Payroll updates from APA can also be included as a featured Government Update. If the chapter is supporting a specific charity, consider including an article indicating how chapter members can support through means of donations or collections of specific items.

Assign Roles
Determine who among the officers will be responsible for each section of the newsletter and who will compile the final product. The chapter newsletter can be sent out through email, printed for chapter meetings, and/or posted to the chapter’s website. Some chapters choose to post their newsletter in the “Members Only” section of their website, but there are benefits to public visibility as well. Organizing and implementing a chapter newsletter may take some time, but it can serve as a great means to attract new businesses and members to your chapter!

Organizing and implementing a chapter newsletter may take some time, but it can serve as a great means to attract new businesses and members to your chapter!