Do you have a tough payroll question that would best be answered by a federal agency? Send your questions to the APA and they will be considered for the “Forum on Federal Payroll Issues” workshop at...
Do you have a tough payroll question that would best be answered by a federal agency? Send your questions to the APA and they will be considered for the “Forum on Federal Payroll Issues” workshop at...
Topics: Payroll Congress
I will admit it, I am a Generation X-er, and at times I have been righteously indignant for no discernible reason. This seems to be one of the hallmark characteristics of my generation but recently...
Each year, APA Local Chapters must re-affiliate, or renew their chapter with the APA, by updating their current membership profiles and starting new officer terms. If you have recently elected new...
Topics: Chapter Guidance & Resources
Is your chapter without a website? The idea of building and maintaining a website can feel daunting, but fortunately there are countless resources available online. Below are three tips to help your...
APA local chapters go the extra mile to show their NPW spirit. Chapters promote the importance of payroll and community by organizing events to teach paycheck basics to young adults during Money...
Topics: Chapter Contests