As the registration period approaches for the Spring 2021 FPC and CPP exams, the APA has compiled some helpful exam preparation resources to share with your chapter.
As the registration period approaches for the Spring 2021 FPC and CPP exams, the APA has compiled some helpful exam preparation resources to share with your chapter.
Topics: Chapter Guidance & Resources
Three hearts are hiding on the Chapter Leaders Blog and we need your help to find them!
Topics: Chapter Contests
At times chapters may find themselves with a sudden vacancy on their board. An officer may relocate or realize they no longer have enough time to fulfil their duties. Some chapters may also...
Topics: Chapter Guidance & Resources
Beginning the week of November 2, the APA’s Board of Advisors will be meeting virtually with their regions to review important information, answer questions, and offer advice regarding chapter issues.
Topics: Board of Advisors
On October 15, the APA’s Chapter Relations department hosted an online #APAChapters chat to give chapter leaders an opportunity to network remotely and discuss chapter leadership strategies. Regional...