Zoom, Zoom to Renew Your License

Is it time to renew your chapter’s zoom license? Or does your chapter need a new platform for hosting your virtual meetings? APA has you covered.


It's Chapter's Choice - Vote Daily


The Chicago Chapter: Winning at Local Government Outreach

The Chicago Chapter, for the second year in row, took first place in the 2021 NPW Local Government Outreach contest category. Let’s dive into the work they did to achieve this accomplishment.


Come Early and Stay Late

It’s almost time for the one, the only, the Payroll Congress! We're celebrating 40-years of the greatest show on earth and want you to reserve your spot! This year’s event is jammed packed with...


6 Tips to Help You Engage Members

Engaging members is often a huge undertaking, especially for organizations led by volunteers whose time isn’t solely devoted to chapter management. Engagement strategies can be a huge undertaking- so...
