by Lisa Wachter, CPP on Nov 16, 2017 12:02:16 PM

Greater Nashville Chapter Hosted One-Day Seminar on Cyber Security

Being secure when you’re online is of the utmost importance, and the Greater Nashville Chapter takes their chapter’s cyber security very seriously. On Thursday, September 28, 2017, the chapter was proud to host a One-Day Event with the FBI to discuss the ever-growing importance of security and fraud.

FBI Agent Dean Kinsman presented on the topic: ‘Why the Payroll Industry is Under Cyber Attack from Transnational Criminal Enterprises’.  During the presentation, the Greater Nashville Chapter learned that computer systems can become infected with viruses, bugs, malware, and ransomware while surfing the net. Additionally, unknown sources will often pose as friends or company executives on social media sites in order to steal personal information. 

The Greater Nashville Chapter would like to share three helpful tips Agent Kinsman provided to help keep everyone safe from cyber-attacks:

  • Never log into your PC as an administrator. Instead, log in as a standard user so that unintended software will not be able to load.
  • Keep backups of important files and never store passwords, banking information, or any personal information on a computer that you will use to access websites and general internet material.  Those important files or pictures should be stored on an external storage device and backed up. If your computer becomes infected, the cyber-criminal will not be able to gain access to sensitive information.
  • Multifactor authentication is the best way to protect your information, as well as using at least 10 characters in your password.  The more characters in your password, the harder it will be for password guessing software to figure out the information within a reasonable timeframe.

The popularity of this meeting topic brought in several chapter members who were eager to learn how to be secure their cyber files, as well as to gain RCH credits.