by Stephanie Salavejus, CPP on Jun 22, 2017 10:32:17 AM

Chapter Organization – Providing a Roadmap to Success for Your Volunteers

The success of a local area chapter is dependent on its member’s willingness to serve and contribute countless hours and resources.  Rarely can we express the appropriate level of gratitude for the efforts and energy of our members.

All too often, chapters will put the creation of guidelines on the back burner until everything else is in place. The problem with this approach is there is no guidance for the incoming volunteers. In the absence of guidelines, incoming members and volunteers will instinctively develop procedures and protocols that may not align with the chapter’s mission.

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Chapter Guidelines

The chapter guidelines and the chapter by-laws are not one in the same, for while there is a common language between the documents, they serve different purposes. Your chapter guideline is a “living” document designed to provide “guidance,” outline expectations of its members/volunteers, and be modified as your chapter grows and the needs of the chapter change.  In creating your chapter guidelines, you are setting the stage for your volunteers, members, and the chapter’s success.

The hardest part for chapters is knowing where to start, but it doesn’t have to be! Make use of your APA chapter resources in the following ways:

In the words of motivational speaker Patricia Fripp, “creation is a messy process”. Once you have drafted the content, compile the information into a single document. Next you can begin vetting the information to ensure the guidelines align with the chapter leadership’s expectations and is clear in communication. While it is important to be as inclusive as possible, do not overreach and attempt to draft roles and responsibilities for positions planned for the future. 


The chapter’s guidelines should not be the only means of getting chapter members off to a good start.  Many chapters have developed orientation programs for new members, volunteers and leaders to help them get acclimated to their new position. It provides a formal platform for reviewing your chapter guidelines and outlining the roles and responsibilities of each volunteer position.

The CHAMPS mentor program is another avenue for helping transition members in their new roles.  It not only allows you to capitalize on your greatest asset, your members, but it also serves as an excellent tool for retaining talent, developing future leaders, creating a succession plan, and improving member engagement within the chapter.  Chapters that have incorporated mentoring programs see a significant return on the investment and have reported higher success rates in filling board positions. 

There are several ways to establish a mentoring program but simply extending critical board positions to include pre and post positions provides the opportunity for new members to shadow the member currently serving in the position and pay it forward after the completion of their term.

Creating a strong foundation for your chapter takes time, and is a labor-intensive project, but is extremely rewarding knowing the chapter has a roadmap for success today and in the future.  

Topics: Chapter Guidelines