by Beth Frederick, CPP on Sep 26, 2019 10:31:00 AM

25 Years and Counting – Ohio Chapters Celebrate a Milestone Seminar

In June 2019, the Greater Cincinnati & Northern Kentucky Chapter and the Miami Valley W&H 1Chapter held their 25th Annual Wage & Hour Seminar. For two and a half decades, our groups have worked together with the Department of Labor to hold a regional event that helps payroll professionals grow in knowledge.

This event was started by one of our founding members, Jane Holmes, CPP, along with Miami Valley Chapter members, Kay Younkman and Jenny Elkins. How did they launch what has since become our longest running event? There is no one better to explain that than Jane Holmes, herself:

“In 1994, the Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky Chapter invited the Miami Valley Chapter to join forces and present a Wage and Hour Seminar in the Cincinnati/Dayton, Ohio area. The idea had formed after some of the Cincinnati members discussed the possibility with the local U.S. Department of Labor Compliance Officers and Management team. Surprisingly, the DOL had also discussed the need to educate employers on some of the wage and hour regulations that were often overlooked in the course of day to day business. The chapters agreed to provide the venue and publicity if the DOL would provide the speakers.

“Being unsure of its success, we decided to think big and plan a half-day session with an anticipated attendance of 50 people. Imagine our surprise when 315 individuals registered for that first seminar in May 1994. This was the first chapter-sponsored W&H 2Wage and Hour Seminar of its kind in APA history. When the comment cards were collected, attendees requested that the workshop be changed to a full-day event.

“The chapter leadership listened and expanded the Wage and Hour Seminar to a full day seminar and then later to a one-and-a-half-day seminar. After 25 successful years, the event continues to receive rave reviews each year. The Department of Labor has been an awesome partner in presenting these seminars each year by providing top speakers from their Wage and Hour Division as well as numerous handouts and publications related to the topics.” 

Topics for the seminar have typically included FMLA, FLSA, record retention, overtime pay, exempt vs non-exempt, as well as other topics of interest. As we all know, nothing stays the same forever, so new topics like ACA have also been included in the seminar. 

Payroll professionals can obtain RCH credits for attending this event and we have also expanded our reach to include Human Resource professionals in need of PDCs. And of course, let’s not forget the great networking opportunity this creates!

Planning is now underway for the 26th Annual Wage & Hour Seminar in June 2020.  If you would like more information on this event or would like to attend, please visit our website for more information:

Topics: Chapter Spotlight